Treat yourself to a new Submarine – Your very own Nautilus (Video’s)
Many of us dream of spending time under the water, observing sea life and yet being safe from the sharks and Kraken! Well, the means of doing so are available, for a price! When I say price, it means lots and lots of money.
The average American saves about $95,000 (as of 2016) for retirement, so in our list here there’s a few subs that you could have fun with and a few that, well, you’re going to have a to save a little harder.
Remember, we’re talking submarines here, so you need to make sure you don’t get claustrophobic and you’re got somewhere to store it, It will take a serious garage to park some of these beauties.
For many having a sub has become a status symbol beyond that of the yacht or the sports car, heck, anyone can walk into a car showroom and drive off with a nice car.
We’ll start off with just five subs at the affordable end of the spectrum, although not all manufacturers publish prices so we have left those ones off our list for now!
Spymaster One-Man Mini Sub The Spymaster One-Man Mini Sub is like an underwater scooter that’s been getting popular in Hawaii and costs a tidy $19,000. This individual underwater transporter looks like a really fun way to explore the ocean under the water while using an environmentally electric motor.
Seabreacher Next, we have a bit of a jump in price, but it’s probably my favorite. The Seabreacher is the acrobat of the bunch. It’s designed to jump, flip and move like a big fish and it’s priced at $80,000. This thing has a 260 hp supercharged engine giving ti high output and low emissions.
SEAmagine SEAmagine has a range of Subs going from $1 million to $3 million. This sub is also designed for deployment from your yacht (costs extra!), and depending on which model you buy you’ll be able to go from depths of 150mt right down to 1500mt. It is also stable as an above the surface transporter.
Deep Flight Dragon The Deep Flight Dragon, is all about hovering, so you can cruise over to something, like a wreck or a whale and then settle into position to get the best view. A bargain at just $1.5 million, the Flight Dragon is electric powered. Its lithium battery can last up to six hours, and if it all goes wrong, it floats to the surface.
Marion HSPD Hyper-Sub Next up we have the Marion HSPD Hyper-Sub which comes in at $3.5 million. This Hyper-Sub doubles as an above surface speed boat. You could see it as two for the price of one if you really need to persuade yourself or sell the idea to your beloved.
There are numerous other personal submarines to pick from; these five just give you an idea of what you can expect. It’s worth keeping in mind that these are the cheap end of the market, but there again if you’re seriously considering buying a submarine that might not be of much concern to you.
Just to give you an idea of what you could buy if money were no object here’s a look at a Migaloo Private Submarines, Oh, and there’s a floating island option too.
Migaloo Private Submarines
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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.
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