Tag: backpack

How and Why To Pack Light

I remember the first time I decided to do a weekend’s ‘expedition’ in a nearby woodland. I first visited the local camping shop and bought…

Some Exercises that are Great for Beginner Hikers

I believe that we as human beings can be put into two categories, those that already hike and those of us that should be hiking.…

blades in the bush axe knife

A blade in the bush – axes, hatchets, tomahawks, and knives.

Pretty much everyone takes some sort of blade with them into the wilderness. It’s just common sense, there are so many reasons you might need…

8 less known but amazing camping destinations

Whether you’re planning your first camping trip, or you’ve already been on many, it’s often difficult to choose the right destination. The first thing you’ll…

How to Carry Your Camera When Hiking

One of the best tips I ever read with regard to outdoor photography was to make sure your camera is always within reach and ready…

5 Healthy trail snacks to keep you going

Wilderness adventure can be hard, hungry work. Days spent hiking in the mountains, ripping down trails, and pulling on rocks will really wear you out.…

Wilder and Sons rucksack gear review

Gear Review: Wilder and Sons Rucksack

I purchased my rucksack from Wilder and Sons just over two years ago and I’ve put it to the test more times than I can…

Hiking is cathartic

3 Ways that multi day hiking will change how you see the world …

There are things you cannot learn in an hour, thoughts you cannot think in a day and meaning you cannot find at the first fork…

Tyrolean traverses and how to use them safely

Doug Williams

In areas that need to be crossed over but are ordinarily impassable or exposed to danger, you may find that a Tyrolean Traverse has been…

Hiking Gear For Mans Best Friend

If you want to spend more quality time with your best four-legged friend, you should take him to your next hiking adventure. Before you both…