Top survival uses for paracord

If you’ve read through any recommended checklists of survival items so far, one item that you will see on virtually…

8 years ago

Make a pine resin torch to light your way

Having fire and making some light is an important survival skill, this isn't just a way of brightening up an…

8 years ago

Top survival uses for garbage bags

When disaster strikes and necessary supplies become limited, you’ll be forced to turn to the ordinary items around your home…

8 years ago

Top survival cooking methods

You have to cook most types of foods in order to make them safe to eat, but in a survival…

8 years ago

Top survival uses for glue

A simple container of glue may not seem like a useful survival item, and while you may believe it belongs…

8 years ago

Survival uses for dish soap

One of the most fun aspects of preparing for a survival situation is learning how to use everyday household items…

8 years ago

Homemade fire starters – An essential for your next trip

Sometimes starting a fire while you are camping can be a huge struggle. The wood isn’t always great, the conditions…

8 years ago

Top 10 survival uses for ChapStick

Chapstick is an item that many of us carry in our pockets each day largely for the reason that it…

8 years ago

Top 10 survival uses for dental floss

When looking for ordinary items around your house that you can repurpose into different survival applications, there's one item that…

8 years ago

Top 10 Survival Uses For Coffee Filters

A major survival skill to have is being able to take ordinary items around your house and re-applying those items…

8 years ago