Tag: food

fire cooked food is the best

Great foods to cook over the fire

There’s nothing quite as comforting as a good meal after a long day’s hike. It’s easy to just eat GORP for breakfast lunch and dinner.…

Yummy backwoods gourmet brownies

Everybody loves treats! These brownies are decadence from a camp stove. They’re a great treat to make and to share when you’re camping and need…

The old time art of survival bread – Part 2

This is the second of two articles from James Mandeville. In this article we cover making the dough, baking the bread and different types of outdoor oven. In…

The old time art of survival bread – part 1

In this first of two articles from James Mandeville, we look at ways flour can be extracted in a survival situation and some information on…

Setting up for being a great camp gourmet

When camping, eating spoiled food is a serious problem, you don’t want to be getting ill and being away from medical care makes it even…

Top bartering commodities for a disaster

In a grid down scenario where the power grid goes out and you no longer have access to grocery stores, sporting goods stores, and restaurants,…

Dry food: Dehydrated delicacies to take on the trail

Don’t you wish that you could have gourmet meals while you’re camping? Bringing a balanced diet on the trail can be hard. Without refrigeration, there’s…

9 Great foods to cook on the campfire

There is nothing in life like hearing the soft, soothing sound, of the fire cracking and feeling the warmth on you as you sit around…

Essentials for first time campers

Camping is an exhilarating way to disconnect from your daily life, letting you unplug and reset your mind. But the idea of camping can be…

9 Tasty campfire foods you should be eating

There is nothing in life like hearing the soft, soothing sound, of the fire cracking and feeling the warmth on you as you sit around…