Tag: health

Top reasons to escape and build a cabin in the woods

If you are tired of city life, bored of the everyday grind, or you’re planning on going away but want to exchange the experience of…

Why being active is great for your health

Spending the day in the comfort of your couch, while binge-watching your favorite tv show isn’t always a bad idea. Not until it becomes a…

Living near water can benefit your health

Who hasn’t dreamed of waking up every morning to the sound of the ocean waves or the splashing of river water? Most of us wish…

Seasonal allergies – Top tips for suffering outdoor enthusiasts

Are you a big fan of the great outdoors, yet you don’t feel so good out there during allergy season? Do you get excited when…

Amazing health benefits from traveling

We all know that a good night sleep, meditation, and some fresh kale is good for us. Even if you don’t incorporate them into your…

Plants you might not know are Edible

When you are out in the woods, you are surrounded by animals, adventure, and vegetation. While it is not a good idea to eat random…

The old time art of survival bread – Part 2

This is the second of two articles from James Mandeville. In this article we cover making the dough, baking the bread and different types of outdoor oven. In…

Morning run

5 Reasons for a morning run

Ian Carroll

This morning it was still chilly in the shade as I laced up my shoes for my morning run. The birds were wide awake already.…

10 Great reasons to escape the city for the woods to build a cabin

If you are tired of city life, bored of the everyday grind, or you’re planning on going away but want to exchange the experience of…

Scratch Cooking: Good for your health, good for your wallet and good for the earth

If you enjoy food, like trying something different, and you fancy yourself as something of a cook, then you will LOVE the move so many…