
The World’s best places for watching thunderstorms

Thunderstorms can cause damage to buildings and other infrastructure and thus can be dangerous, but they are also fascinating and…

7 years ago

Stay dry while camping in the rain

A rainy day during your hiking trip is not always so romantic. Few hours of pouring rain can result in…

7 years ago

Lightning storm safety while hiking, camping or backpacking

Nearly 24,000 people are killed annually by lightning strikes. The ones that survive suffer lifelong damage to their physical and…

7 years ago

Wildfires: What we all need to know

Every summer, wildfires sweep around various parts of the world, causing smoke, destruction, and lots of trouble. As most wildfires…

7 years ago

Blunders often made by hiking beginners – Yes we have worn denim before

When hiking, careless hikers are more likely to step on Diamondback Rattlers, tumble off a cliff, and otherwise get themselves…

8 years ago

What To Do If You’re Caught In A Monsoon

The monsoon is defined as a season of prevailing wind and rain that occurs in southeastern Asia, parts of Africa…

8 years ago

10 Blunders Often Made By Hiking Beginners – Yes We Have Worn Denim Before

When hiking, careless hikers are more likely to poke Diamondback Rattlers, tumble off a cliff, and otherwise get themselves into trouble.…

8 years ago

Families Need Backup Power For Winter Outages

Many of us enjoy being out in the winter, camping, walking and other activities when we get home though we…

8 years ago