survival gear

How to survive a deadly Avalanche

The internet is littered with frightening images and video footage of mountaineers and hikers getting literally buried under tons and…

7 years ago

Blunders often made by hiking beginners – Yes we have worn denim before

When hiking, careless hikers are more likely to step on Diamondback Rattlers, tumble off a cliff, and otherwise get themselves…

8 years ago

A blade in the bush – axes, hatchets, tomahawks, and knives.

Pretty much everyone takes some sort of blade with them into the wilderness. It’s just common sense, there are so…

8 years ago

10 Blunders Often Made By Hiking Beginners – Yes We Have Worn Denim Before

When hiking, careless hikers are more likely to poke Diamondback Rattlers, tumble off a cliff, and otherwise get themselves into trouble.…

8 years ago