
The B.A.T. – A Coin-sized Multi-tool with 10 Functions

There's something about a multi-tool attracts my attention, I'm not sure why that is, I'm fairly fussy about what I…

8 years ago

Survival use for trash bags – Some Ideas

Garbage bags are all over the place, they litter our streets and they're produced in the millions so they are everywhere.…

8 years ago

These Survivors Made it When the End Seemed Inevitable

Being in a harrowing situation where you feel your death is inevitable is something that, luckily, most people will never…

8 years ago

GRIPsher – The Formidable Compact Multi-Tool

The GRIPsher looks like a great little tool that has something welcomingly different about it compared to other multi-tools available.  We…

8 years ago

Surviving Animal Attacks – some Amazing Survival tales

Early humans frequently wrestled with wild animals and killed many of them for food, whilst keeping other more powerful ones…

8 years ago

Extreme Survival: In The Water and Worried About Piranha Attack

THE SITUATION: You are out swimming in the Amazon, when all of a sudden you get a small cut. It…

8 years ago

Bowdrill Step by Step – Fire by Friction For The Beginner

I spent a great morning practicing fire by friction, and I have since decided to put this together in order…

8 years ago

Camping Helps With Your Planning Skills and Reliance on Technology

With so many reality television shows in this day and age exploring a person’s ability to survive in the wild,…

8 years ago

Lost a filling – A temporary cavity fix and Survival toothbrush.

Temporary cavity fix: Candle wax works to keep the air out of a cavity but easily falls out while eating…

8 years ago

The Crazy Things Some People Did To Survive

It is not uncommon to hear that many times when you are tested and pushed at your highest level, when…

8 years ago