Tag: survival

The Ancient Art of Survival Bread Making Part 1

In this first of two articles from James Mandeville, we look at ways flour can be extracted in a survival situation and some information on…

Adventuring With A Super Blanket – Kachula 2.0- Packable Adventure Blanket

Sometimes a blanket has got to be more use than a sleeping bag, especially if you’re just out for the day. I keep a couple…

Surviving in the Australian Outback – Book stuff

Doug Williams

This is a taster of the book Outback Survival by Bob Cooper which is well worth a read and you can find it online through…

Surviving a Winter Storm at Home

Doug Williams

Whether you are convinced we are experiencing the results of global warming or not, you have to agree that the world is experiencing more and…

Shelter Is An Essential For Survival

In this article from ex SAS soldier Bob Podesta, we learn about shelters and keeping ourselves protected from the elements. It’s fair to say know’s what…

A Great Daisy Crocket Video – A Whale Named Google

Paul Pinkerton

In this video from Daisy Crocket, she talks about adopting a baby Humpback whale, it’s a great video taken right on her doorstep. Even if…

Escaped from a Japanese Camp: McLaren had to remove his own appendix in the jungle

This is an amazing story of survival, tenacity and overcoming all the odds in doing what needed to be done. I sit here in the…

Phobias – Drowning and Freediving : Watch

Paul Pinkerton

In this video from Daisy Crocket, she talks to us about Phobias – Drowning and Freediving and how she’s dealt with these in her life, it’s…

7 Essentials To Surviving the Meltdown Of Civilization

Doug Williams

Imagine that there’s a huge disaster looming over you. You and your family are faced with living in a world where the comforts of modern…

Easy Make – Cardboard Survival & Camping Burner

This is for anyone that enjoys making things that are useful! Being able to make these is good for times of emergency or if you…