Tag: survival

The B.A.T. – A Coin-sized Multi-tool with 10 Functions

There’s something about a multi-tool attracts my attention, I’m not sure why that is, I’m fairly fussy about what I carry and why I carry…

Survival use for trash bags – Some Ideas

Garbage bags are all over the place, they litter our streets and they’re produced in the millions so they are everywhere.  Luckily they’re not just good for…

These Survivors Made it When the End Seemed Inevitable

Doug Williams

Being in a harrowing situation where you feel your death is inevitable is something that, luckily, most people will never have to experience in their…

GRIPsher – The Formidable Compact Multi-Tool

The GRIPsher looks like a great little tool that has something welcomingly different about it compared to other multi-tools available.  We like the look of it…

Surviving Animal Attacks – some Amazing Survival tales

Doug Williams

Early humans frequently wrestled with wild animals and killed many of them for food, whilst keeping other more powerful ones at bay using various tricks,…

Extreme Survival: In The Water and Worried About Piranha Attack

THE SITUATION: You are out swimming in the Amazon, when all of a sudden you get a small cut. It seems small, but suddenly, a…

Bowdrill Step by Step – Fire by Friction For The Beginner

Paul Pinkerton

I spent a great morning practicing fire by friction, and I have since decided to put this together in order to help those of us…

Camping Helps With Your Planning Skills and Reliance on Technology

With so many reality television shows in this day and age exploring a person’s ability to survive in the wild, it is no wonder that…

Lost a filling – A temporary cavity fix and Survival toothbrush.

Paul Pinkerton

Temporary cavity fix: Candle wax works to keep the air out of a cavity but easily falls out while eating and drinking. First, gargle with…

The Crazy Things Some People Did To Survive

Doug Williams

It is not uncommon to hear that many times when you are tested and pushed at your highest level, when you must fight to survive,…