Tag: survival

The most devastating diseases in history

Nick Oetken

Humankind has a bigger threat than famine, terrorism, asteroid impact, or wars. The greatest existential danger it faces is the risk posed to it by…

How to cook over an open flame if you have no equipment

You are off on an adventure into the wilderness – a getaway from everything – and you can hardly wait!  You have planned everything down…

Ideas to save water for times of scarcity

If you live in a part of the world where a copious supply of water is not guaranteed, it is a good idea to be…

It’s okay to turn back while hiking

If you are a keen hiker, there might be times when you find yourself in a situation where you cannot continue with the hike you planned. A…

Essential items that should be in your survival kit

Making your own survival kit is not a hard thing to do as long as you know where are you going to use it. Do…

How to build a fire in any weather

As much as we all plan for our camping trips, sometimes the weather is not as agreeable as we would like it to be. Regardless…

How to navigate outdoor fun through fire season

The summer of 2017 has been rough on the west coast of North America, from Canada all the way down to Southern California. With the…

Tips for hiking and camping in the rain

Stef Zisovska

You’ve been planning a camping trip for the last few months, and now you finally have some days off work. You have your gear packed,…

Survival: The psychology of staying alive in the woods

Real survival is not all about skills and knowledge, a huge part of it has to do with a positive mindset. People who consider themselves…

Health alert: Is Lyme disease a real concern

Hanging out in the outdoors can expose us to any number of pests, from mosquitoes, to poison oak and ticks. Ticks, while small, can cause…