Circle of Poison: A shocking investigation into the hypocrisy of US pesticide laws

Even though substantial progress has been made over a lengthy time in banning the use of toxic agricultural chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides domestically within the United States, the battle doesn’t end there.

Loopholes in federal regulations due to lobbying efforts by agrochemical businesses permitting their export for sale internationally come back on a variety of imported foods. In short, the threat is still present but from without, not within the U.S.A. Not only are Americans exposed to a known danger but so, too, are millions of people in the world encompassing farmers to customers.

So while Americans are protected the same can’t be said for the agricultural communities in other nations that have relaxed regulations concerning the use of pesticides and a variety of other agricultural chemicals.

A soon to be released documentary, Circle of Poison, spotlights the (legal) toxic inheritance of U.S. pesticide production, in addition to highlighting the appalling practice of corporate profitably in the toxic pesticide business. A winner of the Best Environmental Film award in 2016 at the San Francisco Film Festival, it will be accessible for video on demand (VOD) and DVD on November 2nd.

The film features President Jimmy Carter, Noam Chomsky, the Dalai Lama, Dr. Vandana Shiva, and David Weir who co-authored the book of the same title in 1981.

The film trailer outlines how the international pesticide business has substantial political power sufficient to shape regulations (or the lack thereof) and the situation of farming and food world-wide. Despite there being victims of the industry there is a multitude of people exercising their right to have health and safety and devising alternatives to the agrochemical industry complex.

From natural farming co-operatives in Argentina and Mexico to an enlarging farmer’s market in India to the entire state of Bhutan moving toward 100 percent organic production, people are determining methods to grow food for their communities, the environment and their families that don’t depend on or financially benefit the agrochemical businesses that have threatened their health.

Produced by Player Piano Productions, the 71-minute film is co-directed and produced by Nick Capezza, Evan Mascagni, and Shannon Post. To determine where and when to view a screening of this critical film, check the Circle of Poison website.