Top 10 crops to grow for survival
If you’re preparing for a potential disaster scenario, you’re probably aware that having enough food is an absolute necessity to sustain your family and yourself in such an event. Probably you already have stored your pantries and basement with nonperishable food. But, what if the scenario lasts longer than you predicted? How will you supply food then? In this case, it’s very important to have a self-sustaining source of food that continually grows on its own. This way you’ll make sure that you will never run out of food. You have two option for creating self-sustaining food source: growing gardens and raising livestock. Here we’ll focus on growing gardens, specifically on the types of edible crops and plants you can grow.
The best thing about growing your garden is that it has a bigger benefit than just providing a supply of food. While a disaster situation will be very stressful, gardening and tending of your plants will help you relax and alleviate some of the stress you already have.

There are few criteria that determine the best survival food. It needs to offer plenty of nutrition and calories, needs to be easy to grow, can last for the long term, and provide high quantities. Here are 10 of the best survival food items you can grow in your garden.
Beans are known to be one of the most healthy vegetables you can eat. That’s the reason why they’re among the most popular crops in the world. They are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, fiber, and much more.

The good thing about carrots is that you can grow them in cooler months. The ability to grow in fall or early spring is not something that other crops on this list have. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient for survival.
This crop belongs to any survival garden, and it’s known for its richness in vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A. It can grow really quickly, and it grows in very high quantity. The downside of lettuce is that it doesn’t last long, so you probably want to eat it quickly after harvesting it.

Potatoes are one of the few crops that tolerate any climate, and they’re an excellent source of survival food. People usually avoid growing them because they require more space than other crops. But, other than that, there’s no reason not to grow them. They can grow in poor soil, can yield in high quantity, can last for a long time, and they are rich in nutrients and calories.
Apart from eating it, you can use barley for a variety of other purposes. It can be a great food for your livestock, mill it to make flour, and you can even make your own survival beer. Barley is known to be one of the most versatile crops, and it has high levels of dietary fiber and manganese.

To grow tomatoes, all you need is water and sunlight. They are among simplest crops to grow, preserve very well, and they make one of the most viable survival foods. The best thing about them is that you can combine them with almost everything and make many different dishes.
This crop is probably one of your best choices when it comes to survival food. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most overlooked survival crops. Zucchini is very rich in vital nutrients, and it’s effortless to grow since it requires minimal attention and nurturing.

Although you might not be the biggest fan of broccoli, the fact is that it’s one of the most ideal survival food you can grow. Broccoli is packed with proteins, vitamin A, and vitamin K. It will give you the boost and energy to last in any disaster scenario.
Corn is probably the first crop that comes into our mind when we think about survival food. They are a great source of protein, calcium, and iron. The best thing about corn is that it yields a higher quantity than any other crop on this list. With it, you will get much more food in less space. The downside is that it isn’t a good option for cooler months since it grows only in summer.

Onions are known to be one of the easiest growing crops, and among the most nonperishable and long lasting crops. That’s good because you can store lots of them and consume at a later date.
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